Modern Warfare 3 Beta: Sledgehammer Games Swiftly Nerfs Overpowered Battle Rage Equipment
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has already addressed concerns about an overpowered piece of equipment, with developer Sledgehammer Games implementing balance changes to Battle Rage. Modern Warfare 3, scheduled for release later this year on consoles and PC, continues the storyline after the events of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
While some PlayStation players have had the chance to experience Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's beta since October 8, the open beta will be accessible to Xbox and PC gamers from October 12 to 13. It will then become available to all players across all platforms from October 14 to 16. However, players quickly noticed that Battle Rage was excessively dominant in Modern Warfare 3's beta, prompting the development team to take swift action.
Sledgehammer Games has confirmed balance adjustments to Battle Rage in the beta version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. These changes include significant nerfs that substantially reduce the equipment's effectiveness. Notably, the maximum duration of Battle Rage has been decreased from ten to six seconds, with kills no longer extending the duration. Health regeneration will now commence upon killing enemy players, but taking damage will interrupt this regeneration process. Lastly, the balance update has eliminated the increase in health regeneration speed. Sledgehammer Games will closely monitor Battle Rage's performance during the beta phase.
One video from the Modern Warfare 3 beta showcases the prior overpowered state of Battle Rage. A player named Vesyrione shared their experience on Reddit, demonstrating how Battle Rage repeatedly denied them kills, allowing their opponent to turn the tables and eliminate Vesyrione instead.
Many Call of Duty fans have expressed satisfaction with these changes, particularly appreciating the prompt response from the development team. Some hope that this level of communication and support will continue after the full release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. However, others recall that while Sledgehammer Games provided strong support during the beta phase of Call of Duty: Vanguard, they were less consistent after the game's official launch. As more players gain access to the beta and provide feedback on their gameplay experiences, it remains to be seen how the developer will address any further adjustments in the days to come.