Trump Leaves TSM and joins Tempo Storm
Jeffery “Trump” Shih has been a prominent face in the Hearthstone professional scene since the game was first released, and has been with TSM for a lot of that time. However, according to TSM’s statement on the matter, our Mayor of Value Town was “unable to come to an agreement in contract negotiation”, and the resulting complication ended in Trump leaving the team. During his time there, he was well represented in both the competitive scene and the community as seen by his frequent streams on Twitch.
It’s obvious that Trump is excited about moving on, especially to a team like Tempo Storm. In a statement released by Tempo Storm (and I did not make this up), Jeffery stated:
"I picked Tempo Storm because Reynad is a strong, independent man who doesn't need no woman. I'm working towards rebranding the team as Trumpo Storm."
–Jeffrey Shih ("Trump")
You can’t blame the guy for having fun with what he does.
That fact aside, we are constantly reassured that Trump’s regular streaming and competitive schedules should be unaffected by the change, and he still plans on maintaining both and working to improve his professional game. We just might have to get used to seeing a lot more blue and a lot less black on his stream than we’re used to.